WElcoMe To mY seCrEt weBzone. Shhh. DoN't Let anYonE know.

KnOw that I am heRe for you, always. SmiLe, anD mAy HOpe shiNe throuGh.

I loVe yOu. he tells me things and it hurts

Praise thee, O, Leon of Kennedy! May your holy light shine on us from the realm of destitution! he said he loved me better than even i loved him

and protect us from evil and harm for all eternity!


Sing Hallelujah! i let him in because he said he was cold

Kennedy SECRET Webzone © ... . -.-. --- -. -.. .-.-.- / -.-. .- -. - / ..-. .. --. .... - / .. - / .... . .-.. .-.. .-.. .--. -- . .... . 201x, all rights reserved.

*Disclaimer: I Am nOt respoNsIble foR aNy DamAge tO fRontAl loBe . UsE At yoUr owN RiSk.

the heat was unbearable