Tulpa tutorial from the Mystical Sciences Society LLC.

Tulpa is a concept in Theosophy, mysticism, and the paranormal, of an object or being that is created through spiritual or mental powers. Modern practitioners, who call themselves "tulpamancers", use the term to refer to a type of willed "imaginary" friend which practitioners consider to be sentient and relatively independent.
But if you find yourself here, I assume that you know that already. Tulpa's are a very powerful thing to bring into this world, a fracture of a fracture of your psyche given life. Something completley shaped by your belief and desire. Your will must be iron and your resolve lead if you even want to think about conjuring one.
In order to cement your tulpa you need focus and commitment. Through liminal dreaming and meditation, you will be able to form your tulpa over the course of months. It can be faster depending on how driven you are, but even for the most skilled of us it takes a while. You are creating a new being after all, and unless your subconcious is more intwined with your waking mind than anyone else on Earth, it will be an arduous task to undertake.
Some methods that have been approved and legitamized by major members of the Mysticaal Sciences Society LLC. are as follows:

- Subliminal audios

Create a track that can be looped while both waking and dreaming that includes your favorite sounds/music/quotes and overlay (using any means of audio transmission) messages that affirm your tulpa's existance. These messages do not have to come from/be recorded by you specifically, but as YOU are the only one who has been tipped off to your tulpa's existance, it may be helpful for you to be their messenger.

-Collages(both digital and physical)

The best way to properly visualize your tulpa is through near constant imagination and actualization. You must be keenly aware of your tulpas physical, metaphysical, mental, and geometrical intricacies in order to bring them into a state of being with accuracy. As such, having some sort of either digital or physical representation of your tulpas desired form is largely seen as an efficient mode of creation. It must be with you at all times and you must be prepared to disregard social obligations, peer pressure, and the fragility of the human ego to breakaway and focus all your being into your selected images. Remember, everything other than your tulpa is a distraction. Soon you will happy. Soon you will be needed. Soon you will never be alone. Focus.

Only go about this process if you are aware of the risks. We have lost too many to delusion in our society already, who's to say what will happen to someone who dares to do both. Never go about mixing techniques either, that will only confuse your mind and create an unstable tulpa. Good luck.