HellO DweebUs
whjy HE LopSdided Oh My God.
Yoyo. Ocelot. ____ Jargon. Orangutan. Rock. Dang. Animal. Nicotine.____ Suspicious. Umbrella. Princeton.
See that was a Great RidDle. bet yOu Stil Dont Get it BEcause yourE not The Great DEtective You Think You are Huh? Yup. Bet You Geel ReallY Bad Now SiCko. . Two Period Because I AM Soo doNe. YknOW You CAn ONly ReAlly do So mmUCH before you jUSSt FEel unDerApPRecIATED MAn. Yall DOnt VEne HAVAe tHEguy. Im CodinG A WHole WEbsite i Dont EVEN kNOW A liCk oF hTMl, Im Ballin Rn. Im FreeFallIn. AlThouGH i Will AFDMiT im Not SUre HWTa Im Getting At. Like WHy BOthER wIth ALl THe mYStery. I COulDve JUSt ASked FoR AA ACRDbOAARD CutouT. I COuldvE WalkEd Right Up ASND ASked, BTU iNSteAd i DO it THE onLY WAy I Kno W hoW, SillY puZZles. Do YOu KNWo How BAd I ReAlly Feel FOr HSavinG all OF my PUzzlES sUCk?? :{ I WokE up LAst NIght IN a COld SweAt I wAS SO GoshdaSRn Hurt. I Was DReamiNG OF ABstrCAt PhRaSeS. I wAs ItchING For A pUZZLe That NEVER CAme. Ok ILL AdmiT IT im AShAMed. I jUST wANted A Goofy SIly BIT AND INStead I Totally ScrewwEd it ALl up. So Now WhetheRR You Like IT or nOT I will AHunt You. Haunt Not Hunt, that wasnt a threat of violence. see I cant even type with a quirk right :{. WhateveR tHo BecAUSE YourE GONNA AHVE THE puZZLE oF A lIFETIME. You HAve FOunD my Diary. My opEN SEcret. The Festering Womb oF my RidiCuloUS PsyChe. I am VulNErABle AnD i FInD iT harD TO TBELuiVE tHAT tHATs not a Step In tHE rIghT DIReCTion. I meAn I value our realtioNSHip, Mr.Freeman. Or WHatwaveVER. WhateveR fORghet THAT,. Whatever. Look AT THIS JUNK I DID!!! MWAHAHHA!!! Im EvIl!!
ItS BElow The... The LiNe. Its Down THEre. PRepAre FOR PuzzlInG!!?!
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