
WoWeE AreNt You A SmarTy PantS!!!


Huh. - I um. I am Not DSure What To dO Now. UhM. Uhh.
hrM - UhhH.... It's So HArd to THi nnk tbese dayS dEtective.. y brAIn GoeS all FuzZy UnleSIt'S aBout HIm!! WhCih isnt DiiferEnT necessaricly BuT I.. Um. I Guess I just Feel Different From lAst year!! More ComplEte, bEtter for puZZLing But sTill HollOW SomeWheRE In mY brain! I CAnn FEel IT PulSIng THRough ME,,, I mEAn i did WAnt TBAt RighT EYs YES yES i DIDI i DId ANd DO BEcausE ITS TOO FAR NOW. Which I am OAlWAys ThinkiNAG BOut, But I DonT ThiNk he Wants ME To Be TAlkinG TO You HaaHoo HAH!! Oh! I Know! Ohh! oHh! OkAy One More!!
ThSI oNe wIll EB sURE To SCrape yOur head!! OfF? - TWEEHEe!!!!!


What is Larme-Kei? - informational page all about larme-Kei fashion
Interests - all the stuff i like uwu
Web Materials - resources i used to make my website!
IDOLS R LIFE - a page for lesser known japanese/korean idol groups tht i rly like and u should listen to
Angelica's fashion diary - documenting my collection of j-fashion pieces! Yourehere.gif